Proposal: me have stuff
Failed 7 for - 11 against — Rodlen
Adminned at 20 Feb 2011 22:17:37 UTC
Part 1:
Add a dynastic rule entitled “Things” with text as follows:
Each caveman has an inventory of Things, which is tracked in the GNDT. A Caveman may voluntarily transfer a Thing to any other Caveman, at any time, by updating the GNDT. A Caveman may voluntarily drop any Thing by removing it from his inventory (and the Caveman should comment in the GNDT that he has done so). A Caveman may also obtain or lose Things as the ruleset or gamestate specifies.
Part 2: Give to the following Caveman the following Things (provided that no Caveman will get more than one Thing as a result of this part):
- The Caveman who posts the 2nd comment to this proposal gets a Rock.
- The Caveman who posts the 3rd comment to this proposal gets a Stick
- The Caveman who posts the 5th comment to this proposal gets a Rock.
- The Caveman who posts the 6th comment to this proposal gets a Stick.
- The Caveman who posts the 7th comment to this proposal gets a Rock.
- The Caveman who posts the 8th comment to this proposal gets nothing, and loses any Things that he would otherwise get by operation of this proposal.
- The Caveman who posts the 9th comment to this proposal gets a Bone.