Proposal: Mean What You Say
Reaches quorum with 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:27:49 UTC
Add a new subrule titled “There are no accidents” immediately after the subrule “Spelling and formatting” of the Appendix rule “Clarifications”:
In this dynasty, Participants may not modify the ruleset using a provision in the rule “Spelling and formatting”. If a Dynastic Reset has been performed after the subrule “There are no accidents” was added to the ruleset, any Participant may repeal the subrule “There are no accidents”.
A ban on typo correction, in case someone wants to creatively use it on all the poorly-formed words that are bound to appear soon enough. It needs to be in the appendix since the appendix takes precedence over all other rules.
ais523: Custodian
This is necessary, although it’s a bit of a shame that we have to put an effectively dynastic rule in the Appendix.
Perhaps the appendix rule should be amended to state “unless a dynastic rule states otherwise”, or the like, so that a dynastic rule is sufficiently powerful to be able to change it?