Proposal: Medal earning protocol
1-6. Cannot be enacted w/o CoV.—Chronos
Adminned at 13 Dec 2006 13:44:41 UTC
Add to the section “Olympic Medals”:
If the Proposal titled “Rivals” failed, the following section does nothing.An Olympian may occasionally roll DICE100 to compete in an Olympic tournament. If:
- The dice roll is 90 or above: The Olympian earns a Gold Medal.
- The dice roll is between 75 and 89: The Olympian earns a Silver Medal.
- The dice roll is 60 to 74: The Olympian earns a Bronze Medal.
- The dice roll is 59 or below: No medal is earned.
If no medal is earned, then a medal is awarded to one of the rivals. Which rival and which medal are determined by dice rolls in the fashion that the Olympians determine medals.
We have no protocol for earning medals, and the medal designation is useless otherwise.
Clucky: he/him