Sunday, December 05, 2010

Story Post: Meddling with Johnny Generic

Johnny Generic is a very ordinary child, and is playing in a very ordinary pasture when he suddenly trips and falls down into the bottom of a very ordinary abandoned well.  His faithful border collie, Sassie, gazes down into the well and barks plaintively.  “Sassie!”  shouts Johnny.  “Run home!  Get help!”  Sassie bounds off, and Johnny prays to whatever gods may be that his good dog will fetch Ma and Pa to come help him.

Johnny Generic is vulnerable to the Ephemeral and Material spheres.


Subrincinator: Idle

05-12-2010 19:44:29 UTC

While he waits for help, Johnny investigates the bottom of the well and discovers a variety of brightly-colored ferns, mushrooms and mosses.  Snacking on this fauna keeps the child satisfied while he waits, and he enjoys some very interesting hallucinations.  Subrincinator Uplifts Johnny Generic.

Darknight: he/himIdle

05-12-2010 19:45:24 UTC

I uplift

Subrincinator: Idle

05-12-2010 19:45:40 UTC

Flora!  Flora!

scshunt: Idle

05-12-2010 19:52:50 UTC

I uplift Johnny from the well.

Josh: he/they

05-12-2010 20:34:22 UTC

I Torment Johnny by ensuring that, while Sassie is running home, he accidentally falls down another dog-specific well. Sassie barks out a request to his squirrel chum Nibbles to get additional help for both him and Johnny Generic.

SethOcean: Idle

06-12-2010 01:14:50 UTC

I (Matuta) Torment Johnny (and increase my Prominence by V).

JoeFish: Idle

06-12-2010 01:55:36 UTC

I Uplift Johnny by dropping, from the sky, a one-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper to keep him refreshed.

Purplebeard: Idle

06-12-2010 08:10:04 UTC


Ambisinister: Idle

06-12-2010 08:45:10 UTC

I, Dius Fidus Uplift Johnny by bringing to the forefront of his memory all of the other times loyal Sassie was able to save him from various situations of stranding and peril, instilling hope in his heart.

Brendan: he/himIdle

06-12-2010 17:23:45 UTC

I Uplift Johnny by detonating the mine gas that has been slowly building up in the rock around the well, sending him hurtling skyward.

scshunt: Idle

06-12-2010 20:17:58 UTC

I’m pretty sure things are done by now; no more uplifting/tormenting.

scshunt: Idle

06-12-2010 20:18:33 UTC

Ah, ayup. That makes me the Patron and SetOcean is the Tormentor

Brendan: he/himIdle

06-12-2010 20:23:06 UTC

No, it doesn’t.  Darknight and I are tied for the Patron (“the one among them with the lowest Prominence”), so Johnny has no Patron (“In the case of ties for Patron or Nemesis, the Plaything has no Patron or no Nemesis, respectively”).  Josh, with a Prominence V higher than SethOcean’s, is the Nemesis.

Subrincinator: Idle

07-12-2010 07:23:39 UTC

@coppro—until/ unless the rules are changed to disqualify ineffective Meddling, it is more fruitful for a Divinity to Uplift or Torment in areas over which they have no Influence… this is why there are so many Divinities in the GNDT who still have their prominence at I: “The one among them with the lowest Prominence” becomes the Patron.  So if you Uplift in an area over which you have no Influence, your Prominence remains I, increasing your chance of becoming a Patron.

You have a lower Prominence than I do, but both of us have a *much* higher Prominence than do all those Divinities who are Tormenting without effect.

Subrincinator: Idle

07-12-2010 07:37:47 UTC

Or Uplifting without effect.