Proposal: Meepistocracy
Reached quorum, 4-0 with 3 DEFs and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 18:39:39 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Meeple Nobility”:
Each of the four Major Islands may have up to one Meeple as its Royal, which is publicly tracked and defaults to no Meeple. Any given Meeple may only ever be the Royal of at most one Major Island; if a Meeple would ever become the Royal of a second island, they instead do not.
The Royal of The Island of Kittens may be referred to as Old Deuteronomy; the Royal of Kahuna may be referred to as Kamehameha; the Royal of Forbidden Island hates being directly referred to; and the Royal of Hellapagos may be referred to as Pericles.
If a Meeple is the Royal of an island, other Meeples are strongly encouraged to always call that Meeple by their regal name as defined in this rule (or, for the Royal of Forbidden Island, Meeples are encouraged to always refer to them in a very roundabout way). Refusing to do so is a terrible display of insolence to royalty, and the other Meeples are encouraged to scold those who do not.
If all four Major Islands have had a Meeple as their Royal for the past 96 hours and none of the Royals have changed in that time, then a Nobility has formed. If a Nobility has formed, no Meeple may take any dynastic actions not defined in this rule.
At any time after a Nobility has formed, the four Royals may play a 4-player online board game on BGA ( It can be any game, but the Royals should all agree on which board game they would like to play beforehand.
Usually we wait a few weeks before anyone proposes a victory condition, which can be an issue. Here’s an idea for a dynasty ending, hopefully early on so everyone can agree on it: we all are vying to become the Royal of one of the four islands, and then once all four Royals are locked in, they play a final actual board game for emperorship! I don’t quite know how BGA works, so I’m open to suggestions on changing that particular bit of the rule to make more sense. I haven’t given out victory yet just in case it could be exploited, but the implication is that the winner of the board game achieves victory. Royal names are courtesy of Josh (I’m not cultured enough to come up with clever references to history and media and such, but I probably will watch the Cats musical at some point just out of curiosity).
Raven1207: he/they
My thoughts for a “win con” to go for was mostly whoever could make it to Space 400 Hellapago but each Islands having their own rules to slowdown the players making it as a battle to reach the top. Additionally having it where Hellapagos would be the hardest followed by Forbidden Island followed by Kahuna followed by Kittens followed by Spirit