Proposal: Memory Palaces
Timed out. Passes 6 - 0—- Clucky
Adminned at 11 May 2020 03:47:58 UTC
To “Buildings”, add:-
Some Buildings are Familiar to particular Roles:-
* The Lodge is Familiar to all Civilian Roles and Mayors
* City Hall is Familiar to all Civic Roles and Vandals
* Jail is Familiar to all Criminal Roles (except the Imposter) and Sheriffs
* The Docks are Familiar to Fishermen, Hunters, Vandals, Arsonists and Private EyesIf a game action performed by an Amnesiac is said to happen “somewhere”, then when it is performed the Amnesiac performing it must nominate a Building. The action is considered to have been performed “at” that Building.
Replace “As a weekly action, an Amnesiac may Recall a Memory by sending the Past Memory a message indicating their attempt to Recall a Memory, as well as at least four different possible Roles.” with:-
As a weekly action, an Amnesiac may Recall a Memory somewhere by sending the Past Memory a message indicating their attempt to Recall a Memory, and the Building the action is occuring at.
Replace “an Amnesiac who has one of those Roles”:-
an Amnesiac who has a Role which the specified Building is Familiar to
Replace “any of the listed Roles” with “a Role which the specified Building is Familiar to”.
Trying a spin on location usage which isn’t “travel to them as a daily action by updating your gamestate”. (Was also going to make card finding happen “somewhere”, but will leave that for a later proposal.)
derrick: he/him
Can we get the Jail familiar to deputies?
I take it that it is intentional the the imposter isn’t familiar with anywhere?