Friday, January 02, 2009

Proposal: [MIC] Let’s try it again, this time without misunderstandings.


Adminned at 02 Jan 2009 15:48:44 UTC

Create a sub-rule of rule 3.2 Proper References, sub-rule of rule 3 Needless Bureaucracy, Rule of the MIC ruleset with the name “Reference Exceptions” with the text:

WHEREAS at times a rule must be referenced before it has been added to the ruleset;
WHEREAS in such times, a proposal should not be needlessly failed;
THEREFORE if a proposal refers to a rule that was not added to the ruleset at the time the proposal was posted,  it need not refer to the rule number, or parent rules of the rule to which it refers, as specified in rule 3.2 Proper References, sub-rule of rule 3 Needless Bureaucracy, Rule of the MIC ruleset.

Create a new rule of the MIC ruleset named “The Will of the People” with the text:

WHEREAS at times the people will be unified in their decisisions;
WHEREAS the will of the people is represented by the Chairman and his Viziers;
THEREFOR if a proposal has reached a quorum of votes and the Chairman and at least one of his Vizier’s has voted on the proposal, and cast the same vote, that proposal may be immediately enacted or failed, regardless of it’s position in the queue.
THEREFOR if a proposal has been voted on by the Chairman and BOTH of his Vizier’s, and all three have voted the same, that proposal may be immediately enacted, regardless of it’s position in the queue.



02-01-2009 05:25:32 UTC

The THEREFOR problem is not a problem, as it is an obvious typo, and therefore may be corrected by any admin.

arthexis: he/him

02-01-2009 06:12:13 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

02-01-2009 09:33:40 UTC



02-01-2009 10:09:53 UTC



02-01-2009 12:57:00 UTC

The VizIss approves. I wonder where the current VizProp is…

Amnistar: he/him

02-01-2009 13:37:38 UTC

he’s comming up on idle, so I’ll probably be appointing a new one soon.


02-01-2009 14:36:23 UTC
