Thursday, July 07, 2011

Proposal: Minimum and maximum respawn times

At 3-9, cannot be enacted without vote change - coppro

Adminned at 07 Jul 2011 22:19:17 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the second paragraph of the rule “Species”:

A Gladiator may not enter the Arena twice in any given three-hour period.  If a Gladiator has an Icon and has been continuously Resting for at least a week and the entirety of the last Turn, any Gladiator may cause him to occupy a single valid Entry Point and update his Status to “Fighting”.

Add the following text to the end of the rule “Icons”:

If a Gladiator has been a Gladiator for at least a week and does not have an Icon, the Announcer may assign him one.

Add the following text to the end of the first paragraph of the rule “Death and Scorekeeping”:

A Resting Gladiator cannot Die.

You normally have one week to get an icon and hop in the arena.  The minimum time between respawns, along with the immortality of resting gladiators is as an anti-scam measure; it should prevent infinite-Frag scams as long as Frags are only gained via Deaths.



07-07-2011 05:28:47 UTC

against I dislike “any Gladiator may cause him to occupy a single valid Entry Point and update his Status to Fighting”, as it gives an advantage to players who manage to have free time to stick a rested Gladiator where they wish exactly 7 days after he has rested.  I’d rather not give an advantage for this type of strategy.


07-07-2011 07:16:29 UTC

against per aguydude.

Maybe a wording like “Any Gladiator may update his Status to FIghting and cause him to occupy a single valid Entry Point selected at random.”

SingularByte: he/him

07-07-2011 07:57:30 UTC

against per mideg.


07-07-2011 12:35:42 UTC


Kevan: he/him

07-07-2011 12:49:11 UTC

against I think I’d rather see the Arena being kept for Gladiators who are actually playing the game, rather than forcing all of the half-active players to dance for us and clutter the board up.


07-07-2011 14:13:35 UTC



07-07-2011 17:53:32 UTC



07-07-2011 18:04:53 UTC

against per kevan


07-07-2011 19:09:11 UTC



08-07-2011 05:18:56 UTC

against for queue-clearing