Proposal: Mining, Space Trade, and the Debris Disposal Authority
Fails 1-5 with Quorum AGAINST. -Bucky
Adminned at 09 Dec 2014 18:55:49 UTC
Add a new rule, “Space Economics” with the following text:-
As a weekly action, any shuttle may gain an amount of iron equal to the number of Flags that they are the owner of.
A Deal Post is either Open or closed, but not both. As a daily action, any shuttle may make a Deal Post with no category and a title of the form Sale: X, where X is any subset of thrusters that the shuttle possesses at the time of the Deal Post. At this time, the Deal Post is considered Open. If at any time while the Deal Post is Open, the shuttle no longer possesses any of the thrusters named in X, the Deal Post becomes Closed and remains Closed even if the shuttle later regains those thrusters. After the Deal Post has been made and as long as the Deal Post is Open, any other shuttle may respond with a comment of the form Offer: Y, where Y is some amount of iron, sulphur, and/or ice with the recommended input form “One Iron, Two Sulphur” or “1 Iron, 3 Sulphur, 1 Ice”. Then, as long as the Deal Post is Open and the second shuttle possesses all of the materials it has offered, the first shuttle may update the GNDT by transferring X from the first shuttle to the second shuttle and having the transferring Y to from the second shuttle to the first shuttle. Whenever the first shuttle takes this action, the Deal Post becomes Closed.
Create a new rule, “Debris Disposal Authority” with the following text:-
As a weekly action, the Traffic Warden can choose a random shuttle out of all the shuttles that have at least one fuel. The shuttle is chosen randomly at the Traffic Warden’s discretion. If the Traffic Warden chooses a random shuttle in such a manner, the Traffic Warden must then update the GNDT so that the chosen shuttle loses one fuel and gains one Sulphur.
Guys, how do we access older posts? I want to find the one where Bucky told me how to manually enter blockquotes. Also, have we gained access to the blockquote icon yet?
I don’t get what the Debris Disposal Authority action is supposed to accomplish. Or, for that matter, Flag income.
In fact,
because Flag income seems to be very high compared to how much Flags cost. A shuttle can drop some flags and immediately (or within a few days) get their cost back.