Wednesday, June 07, 2006

‘Minor Edits’ illegally enacted. A scam is averted.

Minor Edits is currently enacted with the message

passes 6-2 at Quorum.  Adminned by Bucky. Adminned at 07 Jun 2006 03:18:25 UTC

But Quorum is now 7, as of 07 Jun 2006 02:52:34 UTC. I’m undoing the illegal enactment, and the next that illegaly comes afterwards, where Bucky enacted ‘Treasure Hunt’ with the message “Loophole e-mailed to AG” in the admin box. It is important to note that this proposal has not timed out at 07 Jun 2006 03:18:25 UTC.

The idea (detailed in the loophole e-mailed to me after the proposals were enacted out of order) was that Bucky would enact ‘Treasure Hunt’, since the clause ‘Create a secret list’ applies to the administrator by default because of unclear wording. After undoing his illegal changes to the ruleset and pointing this out to him, he indicated that his plan was foiled and that he was headed off to bed. However, a cursory check ten minutes afterwards revealed that the admin boxes (which I had cleared) had been filled in again with the identical headers as before, that is, “Loophole e-mailed to AG” and so on.

I’m not interested in an edit war to see who can admin a proposal more quickly since, Bucky believably says that I would lose. I’ve failed my own proposals by voting against, since ‘Minor Edits’ is under Quorum and still won’t time out for at least an hour

Again it is important to note that as ‘Minor Edits’ was made at 05 Jun 2006 05:11:30 UTC,  it does not time out until 07 Jun 2006 05:11:30 UTC, since it has less than a full Quorum of FOR votes. According to our server, my self kill of ‘Minor Edits’ was made at 07 Jun 2006 03:56:10 UTC, which is well in advance of the time when anyone could have legally enacted it (bar a change in voting).



07-06-2006 05:09:48 UTC

Um, you’re the one who reverted everything.