Call for Judgment: Misapprehended
Timed out and enacted, 3-1. Josh
Adminned at 23 Jun 2023 13:07:10 UTC
In the rule “Reality Enforcers”, change “Any Potent action” to “Any action” and change “described quantity of Suspicion” to “described quantity (or quantities, if multiple apply) of Suspicion”.
Uphold all actions and changes to the gamestate performed this Dynasty which were illegal but would have been legal if the above changes had been in effect at the time they were performed.
despite writing the initial list of Suspicious Actions myself, i had at some point tricked myself into thinking and telling others that u still gain 1 suspicion from performing a potency-related action that’s Baseline. but i just realised it says “any Potent action”; so Baseline actions shouldn’t give you any suspicion as-written. i (and others, i believe) have been acting under this mistaken interpretation, and i think going back and finding any inconsistencies that might result is more trouble than it’s worth. additionally, just to be safe, i’m including a clarification to the same rule which could theoretically have caused problems.