Saturday, March 17, 2007

Proposal: Mission Cleanup v.1

4-0. Timed out.

Adminned at 19 Mar 2007 04:22:22 UTC

Change the text of Rule 2.8 Missions to read:

There exists a Wiki page “Missions” that contains a link to all past and present missions for the game. A mission is a page linked of the main page with the name"Mission: (Mission Title) - (Status)”, where Mission Title is the name by which the Mission will be referenced and Status is either Open or Closed. The Mastermind may add a new Mission to the wiki, as long as the number of OPEN Missions is less than 3. When e does so e must post a message to the main blog with the title “New Mission Available”, and the body containing the Name of the Mission. The Mission page will contain the following:

  * Mission Description - A brief in game description of the mission
  * Mission Goals - A list of requirements that are necessary for an agent to have “completed” a mission.
  * Mission Reward - A list of the game effects which will be rewarded to an Agent that completes the mission.
  * Completion Requirements - What must be done for the mission to be changed from Open to Closed
  * Completed By - List of all agents that have completed the mission
  * Penalty - What happens if a Mission is failed.

Any Agent or group of Agents may attempt to complete an Open mission by fulfilling the Mission Goals. One Agent from every group(even a group of 1) that successfully completes a mission must send a message to the Mastermind stating that they have completed the mission, and the Mastermind will update the main page to show those that have successfully completed the mission, then provide the Agent that completes the mission with the reward. If an Agent sends a message to the Mastermind stating that they have completed a mission and have not, then the penalty applies to the Agent, and all other Agents in their group.

The Mastermind may cancel a mission by changing the status of the mission from Open to Closed, provided at least one of the following conditions are met:
* The mission is not more than 6 hours old.
* There are three or more comments from unique Agents on the mission’s discussion page that include the text “Abort the Mission!”.

Move all current Missions to the Mission Wiki and delete them from the main Blognomic page.

To keep the main Blognomic page free so it only includes only proposals, and not stickied missions.



18-03-2007 03:32:11 UTC



19-03-2007 01:18:43 UTC



19-03-2007 11:21:11 UTC
