Proposal: Mitochondiral Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam
Timed out and passed, two votes to one. Josh
Adminned at 17 Sep 2018 13:58:02 UTC
Add the following to the end of the dynastic rule called “Genes”:
Some Genes are Legacy Marker genes. These occupy a slot in the Genetics of an Ape in the same way as other Genes, but are notated as an & symbol followed by two letters. Whenever an Ape is permitted or required to create a Legacy Marker, they add their own name (preceded by an & symbol) to the list of Genes in this rule, unless their name starts with the same two letters as an Ape who has already created a Legacy Marker, in which case they must instead add an & symbol followed by any two letters that are not used to denote the name of any other Gene when recorded in the GNDT, followed by their own name in brackets. That Ape is considered to own that Legacy Marker.
Kevan: he/him
Fun, but it’ll presumably require some recoding of the Generation script. Also bad news for Derrick.
We could get to a similar place by allowing Apes to claim any unclaimed Gene if they’re the only Ape to possess it - “Be” is unique right now.