Proposal: Monkey Business
Timed Out—Fails 1-3—Clucky
Adminned at 09 Aug 2007 11:12:42 UTC
Replace the second paragraph of ‘Doing the Dance’ with the following two paragraphs:
If a Dance has not been conducted within the last forty eight hours, and a List is not pending, and the monkey doing so has not updated their section of the dance within the last six hours, and if the Line is not Unbalanced, then a monkey may order the dance. To do so, e randomly puts all of the active monkeys into a List. (This List is different than the monkey line). The monkey publishes the List in a Wiki page, and then posts an entry to the blog with a link to that page.
The List shall remain in this order and the Dance moves to be executed shall not be altered, except as allowed by the rules, for at least twenty-four hours after posting in the blog. After twenty-four hours, any monkey may conduct the Dance, using the final published List. E takes the first monkey on that List and follows each of the dance moves for that monkeys section, in order. If the Line becomes Unbalanced, the Unbalance must be corrected before processing the next Dance move. If the monkey has more moves in eir section of the dance than dance moves, only the first N moves are followed where in is that monkey’s number of dance moves. After conducting all of the moves for the first monkey, the monkey conducting the dance proceeds to the next monkey in line, following the same steps as outlined above. E continues to do this until the dance section for every monkey has been executed. E must then make a post to the blog saying e has performed the dance, and provide a link to a Wiki page outlining the changes that were made.
Then add the following subsection to this section, titled ‘Monkey Business’:
At any time during the initial 24 hours after posting the List, any monkey may swap any two monkeys in the List, by using up a Banana (reducing eir Banana count by one), assuming e has at least one Banana. E must post this in the blog, and alter the wiki page appropriately. If two or more monkeys affect the order in this way, the List shall be determined by applying the changes in the order that the blog entries are posted.
Clucky: he/him
Someone can simply spend one banana right before they conduct the dance to make sure a certain action happens to them first. I like the random nothing you can do about it order. So even without that above possbility, I’d probably be against this.