Proposal: Monkeys got Banana
Clearing up the queue
Adminned at 01 Aug 2007 15:00:28 UTC
If the proposal entitled ‘Line Dance’ passes, add a dynastic rule called banana:
Each Monkey has a number of Bananas which is tracked in the GNDT as a nonnegative integer in the “bananas” column. New Monkeys start with 5 bananas. A monkey may pay 3*(Total number of active monkeys-N) bananas where N is his position in the monkey line in order to advance to (N-1)th position in the line. Any other players that are occupying the N-1 th place will be displaced to the Nth place.
So if a Zephyr is in the tenth position, Night is in the ninth position and there are 20 active monkeys. Zephyr would have to pay (20-10)x3 =30 bananas to advance to the ninth position. Night would then drop to tenth position.
This is just an idea and I think that the numbers may have to be balanced out.
Bear in mind that no monkey line yet exists. If this proposal passes before the initialisation proposal does, it could cause all sorts of havoc.