Proposal: Monumental Achievement
Timed out and enacted, 4-0. Josh
Adminned at 24 May 2023 20:03:52 UTC
Repeal the rule “Running for President”
In the rule “Regional Development Fora”, remove the bullet point that begins with “Support Politician”
Add a new rule named “Monuments” and give it the following text:
Each Region has a publicly-tracked number named “Monuments”, defaulting to 0.
If a City is Producing both the Primary Resource and Secondary Resource of its Region, at any time the City Architect who controls that City may add any positive amount that is not greater than the number of Unemployed Population of that City to that Region’s Monuments and then increase that City’s Productive Citizens by that same amount.
In the rule “Regional Development Fora”, add the following bullet point after the bullet that begins with “Invite”:
* Award [Effortful Active + 2]: A Motion to award a City in this Region the title of “Best City to Live In”. This Motion can only be added if this Region has a Monuments value of at least 10. A City that is awarded this title as a result of enacting this Motion is marked in bold text in the gamestate.
Add a new rule named “Awards” and give it the following text:
A City is considered as “Best City to Live In” if an action has caused the City’s name to be marked in bold text in the gamestate.
As a Weekly Action, if there is at least one City Architect controls a City that is considered as “Best City to Live In”, any City Architect may execute the Top Architect action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* End all other Regional Development Forums that are Open and execute each of their Ending Actions
* Roll a die in the public Dice Roller where the faces of the die are the names of every City Architect who controls a City that is considered as “Best City to Live In”
* The City Architect whose name matches the result of the die roll of the preceding step achieves victory
An attempt at a merit-based WinCon that won’t take too long, but yet is long enough that any non-Idle City Architect should have a chance at it if they want it.
Josh: Mastermind he/they
I’m not sure that it gives the residents of any region other than UnnamedRegion1 a fair go, which is… not entirely fair, as UnnamedRegion1 was the only region that started with more than one active person in it.