Proposal: Mood swings
Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 29 Mar 2025 05:33:00 UTC
Create a dynastic rule called Tempers:
There exists three Tempers: Ruminative, Restless and Gregarious.
Each Nomicer has their Temper publicly tracked, which may be one of these three or it may be blank. It defaults to blank.
As a daily acion, a Nomicer may change their Temper to a value which they have not held at any point in the preceding 12 hours. When they do so, if they have changed it to a Temper value that is shared between more Nomicers than any other Temper, they must change the Temper of one of those Nomicers to a valid non-blank value.
I’m not sure how deep the pure nomic theming goes, but I figure we need something to work off of. Since a lot of us can be quite contrarian, you can’t have too many people holding a given temper at once.
Josh: Imperator he/they
So this isn’t an illegal proposal yet, but it will be once Lending a Hand passes - “No other publicly tracked dynastic variables held by individual Nomicers may be proposed in this dynasty.”
This dynasty is a big experiment in the extent to which an Emperor can grief his players, I know.