Friday, March 28, 2025

Proposal: Mood swings

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 29 Mar 2025 05:33:00 UTC

Create a dynastic rule called Tempers:

There exists three Tempers: Ruminative, Restless and Gregarious.

Each Nomicer has their Temper publicly tracked, which may be one of these three or it may be blank. It defaults to blank.

As a daily acion, a Nomicer may change their Temper to a value which they have not held at any point in the preceding 12 hours. When they do so, if they have changed it to a Temper value that is shared between more Nomicers than any other Temper, they must change the Temper of one of those Nomicers to a valid non-blank value.

I’m not sure how deep the pure nomic theming goes, but I figure we need something to work off of. Since a lot of us can be quite contrarian, you can’t have too many people holding a given temper at once.


Josh: Imperator he/they

28-03-2025 17:09:24 UTC

So this isn’t an illegal proposal yet, but it will be once Lending a Hand passes - “No other publicly tracked dynastic variables held by individual Nomicers may be proposed in this dynasty.”

This dynasty is a big experiment in the extent to which an Emperor can grief his players, I know.

SingularByte: he/him

28-03-2025 17:10:38 UTC

Oh, I missed that. Withdrawn. against

JonathanDark: he/him

28-03-2025 17:11:19 UTC

It’s actually “Stepping in to assist” that adds that prohibition, if folks are looking to squeeze in new tracked variables.

Also, the wording is “Proposed”, which is an action that happens the moment the Proposal is posted. Once it has been Proposed, can it be retroactively rendered illegal?


28-03-2025 19:52:21 UTC

I think this proposal would be legal – “Stepping in to assist” prevents the making of new proposals that add personal tracked variables, but it doesn’t make existing proposals illegal.

I generally like to word these things as a recommendation-to-veto rather than as a platonic ban; it helps to catch this sort of case, and also avoids issues if everyone forgets a proposal is illegal until after there’s been an attempt to enact it. The platonic version does still work, though, so I don’t think there’s a pressing need to fix it.