Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Proposal: Mopping Up

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 00:46:52 UTC

Append to the rule “The Crew {M}” the following:

Janitor is a role. If a word in a rule matches either Mastermind’s previous Target, but does not match either Mastermind’s current Target, and if that word has been changed by the effect of a Heist Action since the last time it was changed by the enactment of a Votable Matter, then as a Daily Action, a Janitor may reset the text of that rule to match what its text was immediately after the last time it was updated by the enactment of a Votable Matter.

Just a way to omptionally rebuilt things we break.


JonathanDark: he/him

23-01-2025 00:05:29 UTC

If “Hidden Agendas” passes, this could wind up matching an Agenda, but I suppose that’s a risk you might take in order to get a rule functioning as it originally had.

JonathanDark: he/him

23-01-2025 00:06:00 UTC

By “this”, I meant the Janitor‘s Daily Action.


23-01-2025 00:08:27 UTC

I think the Janitor does nothing here, since mutable rules are not allowed to “directly amend or modify the ruleset or non-mutable dynastic gamestate through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action” per The Vault.

JonathanDark: he/him

23-01-2025 00:17:57 UTC

Good catch. Would have to change “a word in a rule” to “a word in a Mutable rule” and “Daily Action” to “Heist Action”.

ais523: Custodian

23-01-2025 04:06:04 UTC

against I’m not sure how I feel about a fixed version of this proposal, but this wording doesn’t work for reasons mentioned earlier.

It’s also worth noting that “omptionally” isn’t a target anyway, so this rule wouldn’t even help in mopping that up. Maybe this should be as simple as reverting a rule that hasn’t been changed since the Mastermind’s Targets were most recently selected?

SingularByte: he/him

23-01-2025 05:45:54 UTC

As mentioned, daily actions don’t work here, but the proposed change to make it a heist action would just mean it’s a second archivist.  against


23-01-2025 16:44:23 UTC

against Even if fixed, I agree with SB that this is too similar to Archivist

JonathanDark: he/him

23-01-2025 17:18:12 UTC

Agreed against

Brendan: he/him

23-01-2025 17:52:42 UTC

against Withdrawn.