Proposal: More Daemons
Adminned at 26 Jun 2007 09:34:38 UTC
Rewrite rule Daemons, so it reads:
A Corporation may, in the interest of serving their stockholders, summon Daemons to help them compete in our increasingly global economy. A Corporation’s Daemons are tracked by means of a list in the GNDT, which should contain either “(none)†or a list with the names of the Daemons they currently employ. Each name of Daemon is named and described in a subrule to this rule.
To summon a Daemon, the Corporation simply changes their Daemon option to include a given name, then pays that Daemon’s Summoning Cost in Souls. If they already employ any Daemons at that time, the cost for the new Daemon is doubled once for each Daemon that Corporation already employs. No Corporation may summon Daemons more than often.
As with Products and Production Rights, Daemons are covered by Naming Rights; a Corporation may only summon a Daemon whose Naming Rights they own, or whose Naming Rights are Public Knowledge.
Unless otherwise stated, each time the Government Advances Time, each Corporation that employs a Daemon loses one Soul for the first Daemon they employ, 2 for the second, 4 for the third, and so on, doubling the cost for each additional Daemon they employ. If the Corporation has insufficient Souls to meet this demand (known as the Maintenance Cost), their Daemon is set to “(none)†and their Cash is set to $1M less than their Credit Limit, rendering them Bankrupt.
At any time, a Corporation may release a Daemon they employ, by paying the cost in Souls they would pay to Summon that Daemon and deleting said Daemon from their list in the GNDT.
Adjust the GNDT accordingly.
Brendan: he/him
“No Corporation may summon Daemons more than often” makes it sound like you can summon a bunch of Daemons once a day, as long as you do them all together—is that intentional?
Also, this makes Mephistopheles a little tricky, but otherwise I’m not terribly opposed to it.