Proposal: more incentives
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Mar 2018 09:03:04 UTC
of the New Residents that have voted against this proposal, the last one to do so have achieved victory,
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Mar 2018 09:03:04 UTC
of the New Residents that have voted against this proposal, the last one to do so have achieved victory,
A proposal with a huge admin advantage that you can’t vote against without self-killing, you say
All Card needs is a “New Resident” (whatever that means, arguably just an idle player who’s not taken part in this dynasty yet) who’s willing to pass the mantle.
Ah I didn’t see “New”. Does that mean something? I’ve only been a Resident for a month. Maye I’m a month-old baby, that’s pretty new.
“A New Resident is defined as a Resident who has been a Resident for fewer than seven days or a Resident that has unidled in the past seven days after being idle for at least 3 months.”
“When a Resident casts a vote AGAINST their own Proposal (which is not in the form of a DEFERENTIAL vote)”
Oh, huh, missed that one somehow. So, victory for any veteran admin who sees this, then, if their voting against wouldn’t stop the proposal from enacting.
Madrid: Idle
I wouldn’t wager the entire dynasty on that lol