Thursday, February 27, 2025

More issues with coloring under tokens

Snisbo’s recent turn attempted to color squares 22 and 23 purple, even though they both had (multiple!) tokens on them at the time

I can’t find a rule that makes that legal (the action looks like it was meant to be “(The Island of Kittens) Spend 1 Kitten from a Token you control to set the colour of three white Squares on The Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.” but the squares contained tokens – is there another rule I’m missing)?

If the action is illegal, I’m not sure what impact that has on Snisbo’s turn – the appendix says “One wiki update may contain one or more alterations, or one alteration may be split over multiple updates, as long as it is clear what is happening and the alterations are otherwise legal.”, but in this case the alterations weren’t otherwise legal, so does that cause the entire update to fail? As such, I’m not sure either a) what precisely happened to the gamestate as a result, nor b) how we should best fix things, if they are indeed broken. Does anyone have suggestions?


JonathanDark: he/him

27-02-2025 21:51:57 UTC

It’s probably best to find out from Snisbo what was being attempted and go from there. We might be able to CfJ the gamestate into a reasonable state from there.

I’m also not opposed to hand-waving legal actions built on top of illegal actions if they appear to have been done in good faith and it’s not too advantageous to those players to do so.


Snisbo: she/they

27-02-2025 22:33:06 UTC

That is the action I was taking with that! I just totally forgot to check for whether the spaces were occupied, I forgot it was a necessary step

Snisbo: she/they

27-02-2025 22:34:27 UTC

I’d be happy to hand wave that away and reset them to white with a CfJ; obviously won’t try to get that energy back, but I’ll even accept losing the kitten


28-02-2025 05:07:39 UTC

I’d also be happy to just do a straight revert of only the illegal turn action. I don’t particularly agree with the argument that one illegal alteration rolled into a wiki update with a bunch of legal ones invalidates the legal ones (it might invalidate the wiki update, but I don’t think it invalidates the rest of the alterations). It’s pretty clear to me what the gamestate should be, but I’m happy to vote for a CfJ to align everyone’s views if there’s disagreement


01-03-2025 16:26:56 UTC

Please idle me. I’m sorry, but work things have come up that are taking all my time. Hopefully I’ll be back for the next one when I can take part from the beginning.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-03-2025 16:48:11 UTC

orkboi has been idled. Quorum drops to 5.

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