Proposal: More Loyalty fun
Orders are Important. The General is required to follow the Orders given by High Command. Soldiers are required to follow the Orders given by the General. Small animals are required to follow the Orders given by the Soldiers. It is a group or person’s Right and Requirement to punish those who are disorderly!
Reporting, Devenger.
(Reached quorum, 12-0.)
Adminned at 17 Feb 2009 14:44:50 UTC
Create a new sub-rule of Loyalty “Physical Reinforcement” with the text:
Whenever a Soldier’s Health is reduced, that Soldier may once, within 48 hours, increase or decrease their loyalty by 2.
Create a new sub-rule of Loyalty “General’s Orders” with the text:
The General may post a story post with the text [General’s Order] in the title. The most recent of these Story Post shall be stickied and is considered “Active Orders”. This story post shall contain a list of orders that Soldiers are expected to follow, explicitly as actions which are disallowed Such as Soldiers may not restock their ammo.. Each such Order shall be listed on a numerical list. A soldier may post a comment in the Active Orders with the text “Disputing Order #X” where X is replaced by the number of the Order which they wish to dispute, and include the reasoning for this dispute. The General then has 48 hours to respond to this post with either an acceptance of this dispute, in which case the Order shall be removed from the post, or to refute the dispute, in which case the Order shall be removed from the post and the Loyalty of the Soldier that disputed the Order shall be reduced by 5. If the General fails to respond the Loyalty of the Soldier that disputed the Order shall be increased by 5 and the Order shall be considered to have been removed from the post.
Create a new sub-rule of Martial Law “Following Orders” with the text:
It is considered a breach of Martial Law to perform an action that is disallowed in the Active Orders per rule Generals Orders.
Wooden Squid: