Proposal: More or less too much
Timed out / quorumed 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Apr 2015 16:52:31 UTC
If the Proposal “Too much avec in this one for my taste.” has not been passed, this does nothing.
In the Rule “Ratings”, change
The Restaurant Manager shall follow some set rules on how to determine the Rating based on the Recipe and on the Characteristics of the current Reviewer. These rules are:
* The Rating defaults to - - - - -.
* If the Recipe contains the Favourite Ingredient of the Reviewer, one minus is changed to a Star.
* For each Valued Property of the recipe that matches the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Star.
* For each Valued Property of the recipe that exceeds the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Plus.
The Restaurant Manager shall follow some set rules on how to determine the Rating based on the Recipe and on the Characteristics of the current Reviewer. These rules are applied in the following order and are as follows:
1. The Rating defaults to - - - - -.
2. If the Recipe contains the Reviewer’s Favourite Ingredient in an amount matching or exceeding the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot of that Ingredient, one minus is changed to a Star.
3. For each Valued Property of the recipe that matches the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Star.
4. For each Valued Property of the recipe that exceeds the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Plus.
5. If the Recipe does not have the Additional Property Vegetarian and the Reviewer is a Vegetarian, replace all but two Stars with Minuses.
Finetuning Ely’s great proposal.
Kevan: he/him