Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Proposal: More people to hire

vetoed by card, new dynasty

Adminned at 01 Aug 2018 22:20:48 UTC

Add the following cards to the ruleset:

Robin Hood (1) [person] No Constraint. > Subtract 3 thaum from a player with more thaum than you./ Subtract 1 thaum from a player, then give 1 thaum to another player with less thaum.
Transporter (1) [person] No Constraint. > Set another wizard’s home to a different community./ Nothing happens.
Potion Master (2) [person] There must be at least one potion in the deck that is not in any player’s hand. > Spend 1 thaum, draw a potion of your choice in the deck that no one has in their hand./ For exactly one potion, you can duplicate it with the magical word “Master’s”.
Spell Master (2) [person] There must be at least one spell in the deck that is not in any player’s hand. > Spend 1 thaum, draw a spell of your choice in the deck that no one has in their hand./ For exactly one spell, you can duplicate it with the magical word “Master’s”.
Structure Master (2) [person] There must be at least one structure in the deck that is not in any player’s hand. > Spend 1 thaum, draw a structure of your choice in the deck that no one has in their hand./ For exactly one structure, you can duplicate it with the magical word “Master’s”.
Person Master (2) [person] There must be at least one person in the deck that is not in any player’s hand, and also you cannot use any of these effects on any card with the word “Master” or “Master’s” in it. > Spend 1 thaum, draw a person of your choice in the deck that no one has in their hand./ For exactly one person, you can duplicate it with the magical word “Master’s”.



31-07-2018 15:44:41 UTC

wouldn’t Robin Hood take from someone with the most thaum and give it to people with the least?
wouldn’t Transporter be better named as Kidnapper (or Wizardnapper)?

Remember that card text isn’t ruleset text, so you’ve got to add somewhere else in the ruleset that the text “Master’s” is a Magic word, but not in the same sentence as the other Magic words.

Kevan: he/him

31-07-2018 18:58:18 UTC


Brendan: he/him

31-07-2018 19:24:00 UTC


derrick: he/him

31-07-2018 19:28:37 UTC


Master’s is not a magic word.

Spaceking, if you are prone to posting flawed proposals (like me), you should stick around for a few hours to check what suggestions people have. There is a time period where you can fix them.


31-07-2018 20:57:06 UTC


Lulu: she/her

31-07-2018 21:17:43 UTC



31-07-2018 21:18:27 UTC



01-08-2018 22:17:33 UTC
