Proposal: More Procedure
1-6. Time out.—Chronos
Adminned at 09 Sep 2006 13:48:17 UTC
Add a “Crescendo” sub-rule to Time Signature:
If more than half the musicians that have a Tempo have an “Alegro” Tempo, and more than half the musicians that have a Harmony have a “Dissonant” Harmony, then any musician may choose a positive integer number of musicians with a “Dissonant” Harmony and simultaneously change then to “Consonant” - That number must be at least as great as half the current number of musicians with a “Dissonant” Harmony. Immediately upon doing that, this same musician is entitled to make a post to change the Time Signature to x+2/y, where x and y are the values in the time signature in the moment of the post. That post may be done even if it would bring the value for x out of the limits set by the Time Signature rule.
I guess I’m entitled to post this 3rd Proposal under the current Time signature.