Monday, May 27, 2024

More Public Activities?

With most of the actions happening privately, there’s not much for Storytellers to do publicly. I worry a little bit that the dynasty is going to appear stale, even though there’s activity in the background. Storytellers could idle out even though they’re actively playing.

Any ideas on some public activities that Storytellers could do that would involve making or responding to posts? Something other than Proposals of course.


Kevan: he/him

28-05-2024 07:32:48 UTC

Might be worth making the judging phase public in blog comments, it doesn’t feel like there’s much serious bluffing potential there. The thing about not voting for your own fragment could pivot to allowing it but invalidating that vote when tallying up, or something.

Clucky: he/him

28-05-2024 15:18:39 UTC

Lets see it play out a round or two

my worry with public judging is that people could be incentivized to post later so others can’t react to them and change up who gets what score