Proposal: More Rites off the top of my hat
Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:37:39 UTC
Add the following text at the end of rule “Rituals”:
All decisions made for a ritual shall be documented in the GNDT as a comment at the time of making any dice rolls for that ritual or before it, but never after the roll is made.
Add a new sub-rule “Rain Dancing” to rule “Rituals”:
When this ritual is performed, the Clansmen specifies a type of blessing that will be granted to another Clansmen, as well as which Clansmen (which can also be themselves) will receive the blessing. The available blessings are “Protection”, “Good Fortune” and “Integrity”. The Clansmen then rolls DICEX where X is their honor. If the result is equal to or greater than Quorum, the ritual succeeds and the following effect occurs depending on the choice taken:
Protection: The next time the Clansmen would be Damaged (including Crushing Damage) within 48 hours, that Damage doesn’t happen instead and this effect ends.
Good Fortune: The next time the Clansmen rolls a dice by themselves within 48 hours, they may choose to comment “Good Fortune” on the GNDT, ignore the first result and roll again.
Integrity: Within the next 48 hours, the honor of the Clansmen may not be reduced by any effect and if their honor increases, it is increased twice that amount instead.