Proposal: More Snow on Evil Cherry Blossoms
reached a quorum, final vote 12-1—Yoda
Adminned at 17 Apr 2008 13:23:24 UTC
Now, with Wholesome Proposal Goodness!
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all convictions, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Create a new Dynastic rule, entitled: “Evil Poetry”, reading as follows:
As a Weekly action, any Henchman whose Location is Africa, Asia, North America or Europe may post an Evil Poem. If the Overlord deems the Evil Poem to satisfy the requirements of that Location’s Poetic Convention, then the Overlord shall grant to the Henchman who posted it an award (which award shall be determined in the Overlord’s sole discretion and may include, for example, changes in that Henchman’s GNDT statistics, inventory changes, or other gamestate changes).
The Poetic Conventions are as follows:
* All locations: Subject matter of Evil Poem must reference some aspect of Blognomic (such as the current Dynasty or any past Dynasty) and the applicable one of the following:
* Europe: Evil Poem must be in Higgledy-Piggledy form (
* Africa: Evil Poem must be in Blues form (
* Asia: Evil Poem must be in Haiku form (
* North America: Evil Poem must be in Limerick form ( a Henchman posts an Evil Poem that the Overlord deems to be particularly bad, or to not be in compliance with the applicable Poetic Convention, the Overlord may in his discretion penalize the applicable Henchman (which penalty shall be determined in the Overlord’s sole discretion and may include, for example, changes in that Henchman’s GNDT statistics, inventory changes, or other gamestate changes).
In judging an Evil Poem, the Overlord is encouraged to consider the difficulty of the form, the level of elegance of the Evil Poem, and the content of the Evil Poem itself (that is to say, an Evil Poem may contain, within the structure of the Evil Poem itself, a request for a particular award).