Proposal: More Statuses
Reaches Quorum at 7-0 and is Enacted. - lilomar
Adminned at 05 Jul 2010 17:59:43 UTC
Add a subrule to rule 2.10 “Status†entitled “Stunned†with the text:
If an @ is stunned then when attacking that @ rolls DICE8. If the result is 1-3 their attack misses completely. If the result is 4-7 their attack misses but the monster fights back. If the result of DICE8 is 8 than their attack succeeds. An attack that misses deals 0 damage to the monster. Stunned wears off after 2DICE48 hours.
Add a subrule to rule 2.10 “Status†entitled “Slimed†with the text:
If an @ is slimed for 72 consecutive hours then that @ dies.
Unless a majority of the EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase “keep it there”, move the text
Whenever an @ successfully Finds the Stairs, they also Find Treasure.
from rule 2.8 to the end of rule 2.6.
That sentence has been bothering me for a while.
Darknight: he/him