Thursday, April 26, 2007

Proposal: More Traits & Death Fix v5


Adminned at 26 Apr 2007 15:28:48 UTC

Add the following to the list of Inactive Traits:

Savage Fangs
Cost: 30 DNA Points, 2 Complexity
Requirements: Facial Features 4
Effect: A Lifeform with this trait gains 1 on it’s Fight roll when Hunting. Also, if it’s Hunt is successful, the hunting creature gains an additional 5 DNA points.

Cost: 60 DNA Points, 3 Complexity
Requirements: Brain Size 4
Effect: Often, a Lifeform with this trait may reduce the energy of another Lifeform by 1. This may cause that Lifeform’s energy value to be set to a negative number.

Rapid Mutation
Cost: 40DNA Points, 1 Complexity
Requirements: None
Effect: When upgrading, prior to paying the DNA cost of the new Trait, this Lifeform may choose a number X. Then, they roll DICEY in the GNDT, where Y is their Unique Ability variable. If the result is greater than or equal to X then the cost to upgrade the Trait is reduced by X*5 DNA points (to a minimum of 0). If the result is less than X, then the Lifeform loses X Nourishment.

Extensible Tongue
Cost: 70 DNA Points, 2 Complexity
Requirements: Facial Features 2, Appendages 4
Effect: This creature gains an additional 1 Nourishment on a successful Forage attempt.

Steam Bladder
Cost: 60 DNA Points, 3 Complexity
Requirements: Unique Ability 4
Effect: Whenever a Lifeform sucessfully hunts this Lifeform, that Lifeform loses 2 Nourishment.

In the rule Death change:

A Lifeform may change their status from Dead to Alive by doing the following:


A Lifeform may change their status from Dead to Alive by paying 100 DNA Points and doing the following:

Also, append to the end of the rule Death:

A Lifeform whose Status is Dead may not take any Gameplay Actions



26-04-2007 03:32:45 UTC

Good idea.  for


26-04-2007 03:46:35 UTC

Please do not have more than 2 non-self-killed proposals.  This is number 4 at the moment.


26-04-2007 14:29:02 UTC

Yes, I’m sorry. For some reason I thought the veto’d one didn’t count against my limit. As for #5…well I lost count.

Clucky: he/him

26-04-2007 14:44:07 UTC

I still dislike the idea personally, but it no longer has any vetoable flaws. against

(Other than the fact that it was apparently illegally proposed. But killing it now would just slow the game down)

Amnistar: he/him

26-04-2007 15:38:52 UTC

Rapid Mutation needs to have clearer direcitons that prevent cheating.  Make them post a comment X 1DICEY where X is the number chose and Y is the lifeform’s Unique ability.



26-04-2007 15:44:17 UTC

against SK

To fix the error Amnistar pointed out, and also to repropose a version of this that is legal according to proposal limits.

6th try is a charm :)