Proposal: Most popular person
Vetoed with quorum AGAINST -Bucky
Adminned at 16 May 2009 10:13:05 UTC
If the proposal entitled “The Social Side†failed, this proposal does nothing.
Add to “Social Structure†the following text:
There is a GNDT column called “Support†whose legal values are the names of all non-Host Contestants. A Contestant is said to Support the candidate named in that column. The Support statistic represents the other Contestant whom that Contestant would most likely go to for advice. A Contestant may change their Support to any valid Contestant as a weekly action. A contestant who Supports an Outsider may change their Support to any Insider at any time. A Contestant’s Support defaults to the Contestant immediately below them in the GNDT, skipping the Host, with the bottom Contestant defaulting to the top Contestant.
A Contestant can never have the same Vote and Support statistic. Two Contestants who support each other are a Pair. A Contestant who is supported by at least two other Contestants is a Leader. The Leader with the most support cannot be voted “Out”
Kevan: he/him