Saturday, December 07, 2024

Proposal: Moving Along by Playing Around

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2024 02:27:24 UTC

If there is no Ongoing Race, and this text is not contained in a subrule under “Rule Amendments”, perform the Update Rules action once for each subrule under “Rule Amendments”.

In the rule “Races”, replace “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, they cannot Move” with “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, they may not Play, and their Position cannot be changed while a Race is Ongoing except when Preparations is performed”.

In every dynastic rule except for “Slugs” and “Items”, replace every instance of “Moves” with “Plays” and every instance of “Move” with “Play”.

Rename the rule “Moving” to “Plays”.

In the rule “Slugs”, replace every instance of “cannot move by normal means” with “cannot perform a Play action or have a Play action performed on their behalf”.

In the same rule, replace the text of the Movement Rules for Slug of Death with the following:

If there is an Ongoing Race, and it has been at least 24 hours since the Slug of Death last Crawled, and it has been least 24 hours since that Race began, any Active Player make a comment in that race saying “The Slug of Death Crawls” and cause the Slug of Death to perform the Crawl Play for that race. The Slug of Death cannot move as a result of any Play other than its Crawling.

In the same rule, replace the text “Other Snails may not move” with “Other Snails may not Play”.

In the same rule, replace the text of the Movement Rules for Identity Crisis Ian with the following:

If it has been longer than 24 hours since he has last Slipstreamed or he has not Slipstreamed this Race, then any Snail may cause Identity Crisis Ian to perform the Slipstream Play.

In the same rule, replace every instance of “Moves” with “Plays” and every instance of “Move” with “Play” in the Extra Effects for Broom Barry, in the Movement Rules for Friendly Fiona, and in the Extra Effects for The Iron Slug.

In the rule “Items”, replace “the only Move you may make” with “the only Play you may make”.

This is a lot.

Before I started this Proposal, I copied the dynastic ruleset into a document and applied all of the subrules under Rule Amendments, in order, then wrote this Proposal. If this Proposal is enacted, it will correctly modify the text after those changes are made. Hence, comparing the changes in this Proposal to the way the ruleset is now, vs what it will look like after those modifications, could make reviewing this Proposal a little tricky.

I was also careful with replacing “Move” with different words and either changing “move” to “Play” or leaving “move” alone in the places where it mattered.



07-12-2024 15:14:32 UTC



07-12-2024 15:22:58 UTC

Actually, does this change anything? If capitalisation really doesn’t matter then “Play” is the same as “play” and I would argue that almost anything is “playing”


07-12-2024 15:25:09 UTC

But then even the core rules contain a lot of terminology that could be read in some other way if capital letters were ignored

Clearly there is a difference between for example “Proposal” and “proposal”

So I don’t understand why “Move” with capital M can’t be used differently from “move”

Josh: he/they

07-12-2024 15:37:34 UTC

@Desertfrog In ruleset terms, what difference does it make if Play = play or Ruleset = ruleset? NB the text of the paragraph under the Keyword section header which stipulates how keywords are defined and handled

JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2024 18:27:07 UTC

Desertfrog, to state it another way: It’s not a capital vs lower case issue. Its an issue that we are using the concept of Position, and thus “move” is a change in Position, but then we’re also trying to name an action as a Move, hence the confusion.

With this Proposal, we can call any change in position as a move or moving or a Move, and it’s distinct from taking an action called a Play, which may or may not cause a move.

Capitalization of move or Move won’t matter anymore.

Josh: he/they

07-12-2024 20:03:55 UTC



07-12-2024 20:14:38 UTC

I’m quite suspicious of a proposal with such broad and fiddly changes to the ruleset (it’d be incredibly easy to sneak a scam in there somewhere), but either way it makes things more interesting so for

JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2024 20:19:46 UTC

That’s fair. I did say this one was going to be hard to review, but I really couldn’t think of another way to make the necessary changes. It was either this surgical approach, or a complete rewrite of the dynastic rules presented in a single Proposal.

Darknight: he/him

08-12-2024 15:40:48 UTC
