Call for Judgment: Moving back to where I was
Timed out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Feb 2017 18:37:32 UTC
Derrick will be moved back to the forest, nothing having happened since the first illegal action having happened
I misunderstood where days stopped and started. Could I be back in the forest? movement is precious in this game, and my move to the market place was soley a result of an illegal forage attempt.
Kevan: he/him
There’s an unnecessary amount of revoking in the second clause of this - in the mildest case other players’ game actions between now and this CfJ’s enaction will be undone, which seems unfair; under a slightly stronger reading, this CfJ itself will be undone. And with a dedicatedly perverse reading of “since the first illegal action having happened”, we’ll be winding the game back a decade or more.