Proposal: MPAA Ratings
Self-killed. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 13 May 2021 12:41:48 UTC
In the rule “Art submissions”, change “All art submitted must be appropriate for all ages. Art submissions containing art which the collector believes to be inappropriate or which the collector cannot load are not valid.” to
“Art submissions containing art which the collector cannot load are not valid.”
Add a new subrule to “Art Submissions” called “Inquiries”:
If a sourcer believes a piece of art to be inappropriate for any reason, they may post a votable Story Post, known as an inquiry, on the validity of that piece. This must be posted before a Ballot Submission containing that piece or any piece from the same round and must include an explanation of why they believe one, and only one, piece to be inappropriate. Sourcers should vote on an inquiry if they see one; a for vote indicates you believe the art is inappropriate, the Sourcer who posted the inquiry was made legitimately uncomfortable by the art, or both. An against vote indicates none of the above are true. Sourcers are expected to vote only on these terms, not on what is most advantageous for them.
Inquiries are considered to have passed if they have a majority “For” vote after 24 hours, or as soon as they reach quorum. If an inquiry passes, then the piece referenced in the inquiry should be removed from the Gallery and any Ballot Submission containing it is immediately considered to be invalid. Ballot submissions may be edited to replace a submission found to be inappropriate through an Inquiry, even if other rules prohibit editing Ballot Submissions.
Hopefully this lays out some ground rules for how we handle things people consider inappropriate and anything that makes someone uncomfortable. It seems fair enough to me, even if it doesn’t work perfectly. It gives everyone a say, but also (hopefully) prevents them from abusing it. I know 24 hours isn’t much, but I want to try and give people time to resubmit their ballot votes if needed before the end of the round. Also, I’m not sure a story post is the right choice here, but I can’t think of what else to use.
And seriously guys, this isn’t one of the rules to try and bend, I’m just trying to codify “Don’t make people legitimately uncomfortable or you’ll be disqualified for that round,” which I think is perfectly reasonable.
Clucky: he/him
We can always raise a CfJ if an image is inappropriate. If its inappropriate enough that I don’t feel comfortable even posting it, I can raise a CfJ to determine what to do at that time.
This feels like too much process for something that, hopefully, will never have to come up. I’d like my item line veto, but if I’m not gonna get it I’d rather we just worry about the bridge if we ever have to cross it, and trust players to be reasonable enough with their submissions that we don’t ever have to cross it.