Proposal: Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall
Vetoed -Darth
Adminned at 05 Oct 2009 15:15:12 UTC
Add the following sub-rule to rule 2.18, Los Angeles Metro, under the subheading Fortifications.
Each Survivor has a statistic, tracked in the GNDT, called Fortification. This figure must be an integer between -10 and 20. The Fortification of each station on the map is defined as the sum of the Fortifications of all Survivors at that location.
A Survivor may, as a daily action, undertake a Fitness test to add or subtract the result of a DICE5 roll from their Fortification score. There is no Stamina penalty for passing this test.
Add the following to rule 2.18.1, Movement;
In order to enter a station, the Survivor must pass a Fitness check, with the Fortification score for that location added to their roll. If they succeed then they must set their Fortification score to -5. Whenever a Survivor leaves a station, they must reset their Fortification to zero.
Amend the text of rule 2.2.1, Foraging, as follows:
As a weekly action, a Survivor may Forage. To Forage, a Survivor makes a comment of “Foraging: DICE8†in the GNDT and increases the Food and Water by the result of that DICE roll. A Survivor must make and Pass a Fitness test, with the value of their Location’s Fortification added to the roll, to successfully Forage.
Add the following as a sub-rule to rule 2.5, Marauders, entitled Suicide Attack:
As a daily action, the Leader may elect to sacrifice any number of Marauders in an attempt to bring down the barricades in a single location. For each non-Boss Marauder sacrificed in this way, the Leader may remove 5 fortification points from a single chosen location, evenly dispersed among the fortification scores of every Survivor in that location. For each Boss thus sacrificed, the Leader may remove x*2 fortification points, where x is the number of HP that Boss has remaining. No Survivor may have their Fortification score decreased to a negative number via this method.
Add the following as a sub-rule to rule 2.2, entitled Farming:
Survivors may elect to farm. They may become a Farmer by adding “Farm” to their Inventory record in ther GNDT. Each day that they are farming, as a daily action, they may add 1 to their Stamina and 1 to the Food and Water. While farming, a Survivor may not forrage or attack marauders, and the fitness roll to change their Fortification score is taken at a -20 penalty. A Survivor may cease to be a farmer at any time by removing the farm from their inventory. They cannot then start a new farm until one week has passed.
If the fortification of a location is ever 0 or lower then every farm in that location is immediately attacked; every Farmer in that location takes damage and loses DICE5 Stamina.
And finally, add the following to glossary rule 3.4, Dice:
Unless otherwise stated, all dice rolls must be accompanied by the rule number of the rule under which the dice roll is being undertaken.
Josh: he/they
For the record, I want to add to this if it passes - increased chances for Infected to infect their cohabitors, along with rules for the expulsion of Infected; intra-fortified-town conflict and factionalism; increased cult activity in larger fortified towns.