Thursday, May 27, 2021

Call for Judgment: Multi Art Madness

Enacted, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 27 May 2021 16:21:33 UTC

In “Totaling Votes”, every time it appears, replace

and Display the corresponding piece of art with a Price of


and Display that Broker’s Art with a Price of

in the same rule, replace

To Display a piece of art, the Collector determines its Buyer and adds it to that Broker’s Collection with the Price specified. An Art’s Buyer is the Broker who ranked it highest in Ballot Submissions for the relevant round (resolving ties in favour of the Broker with lowest total of Prices in their Collection, and at secretly random if still tied).


To Display a Broker’s Art, the Collector first determines which piece of art should be displayed by considering all pieces of art submitted by the Broker in the round before the previous one, and then taking the piece of art which contributed the most to their Round Score for the current round, breaking ties secretly randomly. (If a Broker did not submit any art in the round before the previous one, Displaying their Art does nothing). Once the piece of art has been determined, the Collector determines its Buyer and adds it to that Broker’s Collection with the Price specified. A piece of art’s Buyer is the Broker who ranked it highest in Ballot Submissions for the relevant round (resolving ties in favour of the Broker with lowest total of Prices in their Collection, and at secretly random if still tied).

in the same rule, replace

and the title of the piece they submitted in the round before the most recent one


and the titles of all the pieces they submitted in the round before the most recent one

and in the same rule replace

specifies the names of each Broker (or Idle Broker) who submitted each piece of art on that page and which piece of art they submitted


specifies the names of each Broker (or Idle Broker) who submitted each piece of art on that page and which pieces of art they submitted

Ruleset currently doesn’t fully line up with the idea that someone can have submitted multiple pieces of art. And while the later changes here are mostly cosmetic, I need to know how we want to resolve the “display art if someone submitted more than one piece” before finishing the next round.


Kevan: he/him

27-05-2021 15:53:46 UTC



27-05-2021 15:54:08 UTC


Janet: she/her

27-05-2021 15:54:44 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-05-2021 16:21:01 UTC
