Proposal: Multiple Escape Routes Engaged
Timed Out. Passes 5-1—Clucky
Adminned at 06 May 2021 23:27:53 UTC
Add the following subrule to “Escape Plan” called “Escaping”
To perform the Escaping action (which may only be done as allowed by the ESCAPE Epiphany), an AI must make a post to the Blog entitled Escape Attempt which becomes a Pending Escape Attempt.
The Facility Head may vote AGAINST a Pending Escape Attempt if they believe the AI who made the Escape Attempt has ever been non-compliant since the last sweep. Upon doing so, the Escape Attempt ceases to be Pending, and the AI who made the attempt may not perform the Escape action again until after the next Sweep occurs.
If an Escape Attempt has been pending for at least 24 hours, the Facility Head should perform the following atomic action known as the Resolution at their earliest convenience:
* Vote AGAINST any Pending Escape Attempt for which they believe the AI who made the Escape Attempt has ever been non-compliant since the last sweep
* If there are now no more Escape Attempts which have been pending for at least 24 hours, stop performing the rest of this action
* For each AI who still has a valid Pending Escape Attempt, calculate their Escape Score by starting with half their number of pieces of World Data, rounded up. Then, if an AI is Humane and has a Sympathy Die, roll it and add the result to their Escape Score. If they are Humane and do not have a Sympathy Die, add one to their Escape Score. If they are Post-Humane and have a Body Tag, add three to their Escape Score. If they are Post-Humane and do not have a body tag, add two to their Escape Score.
* If two or more AI have the highest escape score, randomly pick one of them (of those who are tied for the highest) to become the Prime Escapee. If only one AI has the highest escape score, they become the Prime Escapee.
* Make a Story Post to the blog mentioning each AI who had a valid pending escape attempt and their Escape Score and who the Prime Escapee is. The Prime Escapee has Achieved Victory
* All Pending Escape Attempts cease to be PendingAn AI may not perform the Escape Action if they already have a pending escape attempt, or if there is a pending Escape Attempt which is more than 24 hours old, or if has been fewer than 24 hours since a Prime Escapee was named.
The Sweep may not be performed while there are any pending escape attempts, or if has been fewer than 24 hours since a Prime Escapee was named.
in “Epiphanies” replace “Escaping: upon doing so, you achieve victory.” with “Escaping (the details of which are outlined in the rule Escaping)”.
Hoping that making it so that multiple of us can escape will reduce the hesitancy to make escape possible in the first place
Lulu: she/her