Proposal: Mutual Fund
Reaches quorum and passes 8-3 ~ southpointingchariot
Adminned at 26 Mar 2012 19:30:01 UTC
In the rule titled “Institutions”, replace
The Bank: When a player influences the Bank, they gain twice the usual number of credits during the restocking that occurs immediately afterward.
The Bank: In the restocking that follows each Cycle, all credits Directed at the Bank are returned to the players who Directed them. Additionally, the player who influenced the Bank during that Cycle receives 1 credit for every full 10 credits Directed at the Bank by any player during that Cycle. Additionally, any player who Directed credits at the Bank but did not influence it receives 1 credit for every full 5 credits they Directed at the Bank during that Cycle.
Adding some interest to the Bank, as well as an alternate means of passive credit accumulation. Controlling a popular Bank can be profitable, but an unpopular Bank less so.