Proposal: My Cookbook. You still have it.
Self-killed. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 16 Apr 2015 21:39:24 UTC
Create a Sub-rule to rule Recipes, called “Plagiarism”:
A Recipe may not be composed of exactly the same Steps (in the same order) and Packages as another. Two different Recipes may not have the same name. Thus, the set of contents of a Recipe univocally correspond to the name of the Recipe.
As a clarification: a Recipe may be posted as a comment to the most recent Review (following the limitations set by rule “Review”) even though it has already been posted on a Review.
Amend Rule “Ratings” to read as follows:
A rating is a String comprised of exactly 5 characters, that can be any combination of plus signs (+), minus signs (-), or asterisks (*) (alias: Stars). Possible spacing and the order of characters in a Rating are irrelevant, and should be kept consistent between ratings (eg: by putting all the asterisks first and all plus signs at the end).
When required to determine Ratings to multiple Entry Recipes, the Restaurant Manager shall determine the Rating to each Entry Recipe singularly in the chronological order of the times of posting of those Entry Recipes. The Restaurant Manager shall follow some set rules on how to determine the Rating based on the Recipe contained in the Entry Recipe and on the Characteristics of the current Reviewer. These rules are applied in the following order and are as follows:
1. The Rating defaults to - - - - -.
2. For each Valued Property of the recipe that is exactly equal to the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Star.
3. For each Valued Property of the recipe that exceeds the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Plus.
4. If the Recipe contains the Reviewer’s Favourite Ingredient and the Rating contains 4 or more Stars, set the Rating to * * * * *.
4. If the Recipe contains the Reviewer’s Favourite Ingredient and the Rating contains at least one Plus, one Plus is changed to a Star.
6. If the Recipe does not have the Additional Property Vegetarian and the Reviewer is a Vegetarian, replace all but two Stars with Minuses.
7. If that Reviewer has already Rated an Entry Recipe consisting in the same Recipe as this one, the Rating to this Entry Recipe becomes + + + + + (meaning: “I’ve had too much of this already, thank you.”).
Note that:
- Recipes are somewhat platonic entities that cannot currently be owned, while Entry Recipes are posts, with an author and a time of posting and stuff. (They are the newest Recipe posted as comment to a Review by each Cook).
- Reviewers Rate Entry Recipes, and not Recipes themselves.
- the Restaurant Manager is not Rating the Entry Recipes, but e merely determines the Rating.
This Proposal rolls with that system, but I would welcome a round of entity-streamlining.
I may be mistaken, but does that mean that I have to track what each Reviewer has tasted - not only during one Review, I can do that, but also in past Reviews?
If so: