Proposal: My hats off to ya
self killed—- clucky
Adminned at 19 Aug 2007 20:02:49 UTC
Replace the sub-rule “hat†of the rule “hammers†with
If a hat hammer is used on another monkey, that monkey tips eir hat to the monkey who used the hammer.
Add the following paragraph below the first paragraph of the rule ‘hat’
Each hat as an associated action. Whenever a monkey with hat color A tips er hat to a monkey with hat color B. If both hats are the same color, the action of that hat color takes place. Regardless, the monkey who tipped their hat then changes hats. The hat color of the monkey whom the hat was tipped to remains the same.
Replace the subrule “The hat list with:
The following is the list of hats known as the Hat List:
1) Red: The two monkeys swap hammers
2) Orange: The two monkeys each lose one banana, if they have one
3) Yellow: The two monkeys gain one dance move
4) Green: The two monkeys swap positions
5) Blue: The two monkeys each gain two bananas
6) Purple: The two monkeys each use their hammers on each other, regardless of range. The monkey who tipped their hat uses their hammer first. If either monkey has a hat hammer, that monkey does their hammer.
7) Black: The two monkeys move to the barrel
Add the following dance move to the list of dance moves
Name: Hat Tip from n_A to n_B; Complexity 2; The monkey in position n_A tips their hat to the monkey in position n_B.
Kevan: he/him