Proposal: Mystical Teleportation
Timed out, 1-1. Failed by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 05 Jan 2024 21:31:40 UTC
In the rule “Locations”, add a new subrule titled “Fast Travel”, with the following content:
A Necromancer may spend 3 mana to Fast Travel and set their Location to any Location whose Area is the same as that Necromancer’s current Location’s.
Add the following new Locations:
| Altar || You may spend 10 mana to change the type (skeleton, zombie or ghoul) of one of your Shamblers || 0 || Old Church
| Throne Hall || As a daily action, you may spend 5 mana and make a blog post titled “Royal Announcement”, including the name of a single valid Location in the text of that blog post. Then, when resolving the next Sands of the Hourglass, no Necromancer may have their Location set to the announced Location || 0 || Ruined Castle
| Witch’s Hut || You may spend 1 knowledge to increase your Skeletons, Zombies and Ghouls by one each || 0 || Dark Woods
| Observatory || As a daily action, you may spend 5 mana and privately communicate to the Grim Reaper the name of a single active Necromancer to Read Minds. Hourglass Action: If the Necromancer at this location has Read Minds after the last Sands of the Hourglass action, one of the targeted Necromancer’s Discovered Truths is chosen randomly and added to the Discovered Truths of the Necromancer who performed the Read Minds action, unless that Ultimate Truth is already in their Discovered Truths || 0 || Haunted Mansion
For each of the four added Locations, if the majority of the last valid Votes on this proposal (excluding the ones that contain the AGAINST voting icon) also contain the name of that Location, remove that Location from the table of Locations.
Making travel faster so that more things can happen before Locations die
I added a way to vote against a specific new location, so that if one location is noticed to be broken, it won’t prevent adding the others