Thursday, December 14, 2023

Proposal: Name of the Father

Timed Out. Passes 4-0—Clucky

Adminned at 16 Dec 2023 22:11:41 UTC

In “Attributes”, replace “An Heir whose Forename is Nameless may not take any dynastic actions outside of this rule and its subrules.” with:-

An Heir whose Forename is Nameless may not take any dynastic actions except those defined in the rules “Attributes” and “Successors” (and subrules of those rules).

Fixing the bug/ambiguity pointed out by Desertfrog on Discord of whether the first step of Succession - becoming Nameless - prevents the Heir from performing the subsequent steps of the atomic action.


Desertfrog: Jury

14-12-2023 11:11:34 UTC

This doesn’t fix the problem for Assassination because it contains steps that are done after nominating a Successor. Maybe only starting new actions could be forbidden and completing already ongoing atomic actions allowed?

Kevan: he/him

14-12-2023 11:17:16 UTC

I’ll just change it to allow actions under the Assassination rule, since additionally nameless assassins don’t seem like a problem.

Desertfrog: Jury

14-12-2023 16:19:54 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

14-12-2023 16:27:43 UTC



14-12-2023 17:09:00 UTC


Clucky: he/him

14-12-2023 17:11:29 UTC
