Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Name Requests?

The Computer has graciously decided to allow Citizens who are unhappy with their current designations to take a Happityme pill to alleviate said unhappiness.

Oh, also, you may request changes here. (I remember several requests from IRC, but can’t remember who requested what.)

names are more likely to be changed to your request if you ask for something punny.


redtara: they/them

28-07-2010 16:39:23 UTC

Name: Rog
Sector: RBT

ais523: Mastermind

28-07-2010 16:45:34 UTC

My prime-name should probably be changed “back” to CFJ, given that it’s unlikely to cause confusion there.


28-07-2010 16:59:23 UTC

hahaha I almost forgot about that, ais. You could probably go back to CfJ permanently, considering the changes to the Ruleset since then.


28-07-2010 17:02:02 UTC

prime-name:  Hviiii
Sector:  IRQ



28-07-2010 17:36:05 UTC

Citizens Rog-R-RBT-1, CFJ-R-BGN-1, and Hviii-R-IRQ-1 have all had name-changes accepted and are currently being processed by PLC.


28-07-2010 18:15:48 UTC

Once the way-too-fast start-of-dynasty is over with and I can read the ruleset before it changes, I request for permission to desire permission to desire my sector to be changed to GNO.

redtara: they/them

28-07-2010 18:18:16 UTC

Aren’t you idle?


28-07-2010 18:20:15 UTC

Permission to desire permission to desire sector change can be requested by filling out form 56-0#MJT.

(also, you’ll have to make the request when you are a Citizen)

Josh: Mastermind he/they

28-07-2010 18:22:03 UTC

Name: Iv
Sector: BGN



28-07-2010 18:50:55 UTC

Permission granted to Citizen Iv-R-BGN-1


28-07-2010 18:53:19 UTC

Treason point to Citizen Ais-R-BGN-1 for attempting to change eir prime-name to an invalid string. (capital->lowercases)


28-07-2010 20:04:56 UTC

Request to have my sector changed to: DDA


28-07-2010 20:33:42 UTC

Friend Computer, I request to have a sector chage. I hope you will find all of my paperwork in order.
Sector: BLN


28-07-2010 20:58:41 UTC

Qwazukee-R-DDA-1 and Kyre-R-BLN-1 have both had sector changes.

You hear a squawking voice over a loudspeaker:
This is Howar-U-TDY. Due to an unforeseen bug in the naming subsystems, which defines a citizen’s home-sector to be synonymous with their current sector, PLC will not be accepting any sector change forms until further notice.

Have a fun day, and drink Bouncy-Bubble-Beverage, the Beverage with the Bounciest Bubbles!

(I overlooked something when naming the parts of a designation, I am out of props, so I won’t be changing any further sectors until this is fixed.)


28-07-2010 20:59:48 UTC

High-Programmer, could you please change my name to Slap and my sector to ASS?


28-07-2010 21:00:32 UTC

Ienpw III: Yes, that’s why I said “Once the way-too-fast start-of-dynasty is over with and I can read the ruleset before it changes” - i.e. that’s when I’ll unidle.


28-07-2010 21:02:01 UTC

Good timing breaking down before flurie’s change.


28-07-2010 21:09:28 UTC

Slap-R-BGN-1 has their prime-name change approved.

Unfortunately, their Sector change form was lost or destroyed by commie-mutant-traitors.
Please fill out a request for recovery of a missing form form. Don’t forget to attack the form which has gone missing for reference. Have a nice daycycle.


29-07-2010 03:26:29 UTC

Request to have my prime changed to Spike and my sector changed to PHL.  (


29-07-2010 13:43:34 UTC

Paperwork for Citizen Spike-R-BGN-1 has been approved.

A continuing shortage of jackobots for manual sector changes has introduced a delay of approxamately…{ONEthousandFOURhundredandSIXtySEVEN DAYCYCLES} sector change requests.


29-07-2010 15:43:18 UTC

I apologize for allowing the evil commie-mutant-traitors to acquire my form, High-Programmer. I would like to request a sector change to SLY.


29-07-2010 21:29:34 UTC

ban lifted.