Saturday, August 03, 2019

Proposal: NARCin’

Timed out 2 votes to 7. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Aug 2019 08:34:23 UTC

Add a new rule, titled “NARC”:

Construction of new Vessels requires allocation of Naval Resource Credits, abbreviated NARCs. The number of NARCs that a Captain has paid to create Vessels is tracked in the GNDT field “NARCs”, and defaults to 0.

In the first Fleets rule, to the end of the first paragraph add “Battleships cost 8 NARCs.” To the end of the second paragraph add “Submarines cost 8 NARCs.”

In The Watch, replace “(unless the Captain giving this Order already controls a Vessel).” with

, paying that Vessel’s cost in NARCs.

In that rule, in the list of steps for the Admiral to perform when a watch has ended, add as a penultimate step:

* Increase in the Ruleset the NARC cost of each type of Vessel by the number of that type of Vessel that was created during the latest Watch.


Kevan: he/him

03-08-2019 21:08:24 UTC

A new currency when we already have an unused stat called “Treasure”?

Thunder: he/him

03-08-2019 22:41:20 UTC

for “Treasure” seems like it would be used for more esoteric things (more like white market versus black market things or whatever).


03-08-2019 22:59:54 UTC

I see this less of a currency but a measure of resources used that can’t be exchanged or go back down.


04-08-2019 07:41:49 UTC

How on earth do you use this resource? We won’t have NARCs, only a field tracking “NARCs that a Captain has paid to create Vessels”, which happens to be named NARCs. Would the the field go up or down as you spend this mysterious non-existent resource??


Kevan: he/him

04-08-2019 12:58:15 UTC



04-08-2019 14:12:24 UTC

TyGuy6: Everyone notionally has infinite NARCs to spend, and this keeps track of the number spent, so it goes up when you build a Vessel. It does interact weirdly with the definition of “spend” in the “Numbers and Variables” rule and so it maybe could use a change of verb.


04-08-2019 14:14:39 UTC

Oh nevermind on that point, I used “pay” and not “spend”... but it still may be worth a fix later to clarify.


04-08-2019 15:35:21 UTC

imperial  because it removes the limitation of captains only having one vessel at a time


04-08-2019 19:22:37 UTC



04-08-2019 19:50:34 UTC


derrick: he/him

04-08-2019 20:39:35 UTC

This is worded weirdly. right now it just tracks the number of vessels that have been created?


04-08-2019 21:23:44 UTC

No, the cost in the ruleset for a Vessel type increases by the number that have been created in the last watch.

Thunder: he/him

04-08-2019 21:39:21 UTC

against The inflation part seems like it’ll end up being quite unfriendly to new members, especially if NARCs will end up being like upkeep costs.


05-08-2019 16:41:44 UTC

As much as I want more vessels, against

Kevan: he/him

05-08-2019 18:09:02 UTC

against CoV as this possibly invalidates pending Orders to add Vessels to the game, which is all we can do right now. This could still be worked into Treasure by allowing Treasure to go negative, and appropriately balancing the reward for the Diving Into The Sea From Your Submarine action.

derrick: he/him

05-08-2019 19:46:06 UTC
