Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Proposal: Neo-Line

Timed out and failed, 1-5-1. Josh

Adminned at 08 Feb 2013 04:03:53 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled The Party Line:

The Honourable Member in each Party with the highest Credibility is that party’s Leader.

If at any time more than one Honourable Member in a Party is tied for the highest Credibility, then each of those Honourable Members is a Leadership Candidate. Leadership Candidates within a Party may, as a daily action, reduce the Credibility of a single other Leadership Candidate by 1. If any Leadership Candidate ever has more than 2 Credibility less than every other Leadership Candidate, they are no longer a Leadership Candidate. A Party cannot have a Leader if it has more than one Leadership Candidate. If an Honourable Member in a Party ever has more than two more Credibility than any Leadership Candidate, then all Leadership Candidates cease to be Leadership Candidates.

A Leader may, when Voting, include the words “Three Line Whip” with their EVC. If they do so, their vote has a weight equal to the number of Honourable Members in that Leader’s Party. This does not effect quorum.

If an Honourable Member votes on a proposal that their Party Leader had previously made subject to a Three Line Whip, and votes in a different way to the Leader, then both that Honourable Member and the Party Leader lose 5 Credibility.


RaichuKFM: she/her

06-02-2013 11:21:49 UTC

imperial Seems interesting, but I don’t know…


06-02-2013 14:26:37 UTC

against The second paragraph causes some contradictions and weird interactions if multiple Parties have Leadership Candidates. The last sentence also doesn’t specify that the Hon. Member with higher Credibility should belong to the same party as the Leadership Candidates.

Furthermore, the usage of the word ‘effect’ in the third paragraph renders that sentence impotent (or potentially hilarious if a single Party manages to acquire a quorum of members) and probably can’t be corrected as an obvious typo.

Josh: he/they

06-02-2013 14:29:31 UTC

I think effect/affect is a common enough typo that it can be corrected as a typo.

The second paragraph bugs I’ll grant you, but it seems easier to fix then repropose…


06-02-2013 14:55:14 UTC

I’m a bit apprehensive about correcting a typo when the ‘faulty’ sentence is perfectly coherent and has a valid (if strange) interpretation, but I won’t challenge the correction here.

As for the proposal itself, it seems needlessly complicated to me. I’d much prefer a simpler definition of Party Leader (for example, whoever has the highest Credibility score becomes Leader and remains so until someone else beats their score) and a separate mechanism that facilitates intra-party rivalries.

I like the three-line whip though, even though right now it means that a Party with four members can reach quorum by itself.


06-02-2013 15:23:32 UTC

“weight” isn’t defined, is it?

Josh: he/they

06-02-2013 15:30:41 UTC

Except in the common English usage sense.


06-02-2013 15:47:11 UTC

But we define passing and failing by the number of votes. There is no “weight”.

Josh: he/they

06-02-2013 15:53:56 UTC

Sure. Doubtless this is also a matter for future proposals. I find it clear enough what the rule means but accept it’s not immune to challenge.


06-02-2013 15:58:08 UTC

If you think it would make their vote count double, how does that affect Quorum? Would you count quorum as a majority of players (in which case a weighted vote is incredibly powerful since it can allow a proposal to Quorum early) or a majority of available weight? If the latter, on what basis?

Josh: he/they

06-02-2013 16:09:36 UTC

“This does not [a]ffect quorum”


06-02-2013 16:29:03 UTC

Still, I think the effect is meaningless, because we enact/fail a proposal based only on the number of votes. Regardless of what you mean, the text of the rules is quite clear, and until the rules say otherwise, weight is meaningless.

You could change this by Deliberation, though.

RaichuKFM: she/her

07-02-2013 01:19:06 UTC

against Having had milling it over, not really a fan.


07-02-2013 01:22:36 UTC

against I’m not against it conceptually but i think there is enough wrong with it that re-proposing it would be a better option then to pass it and correct it


07-02-2013 01:24:53 UTC



07-02-2013 02:36:16 UTC

Leadership seems too complicated for what it does, and weight is weakly-defined. Moreover, this propsal doesn’t serve a very interesting purpose.

(In response to reproposing and fixes: that’s what Deliberations are for.)


07-02-2013 06:12:42 UTC

against Seems to me like leadership basically doubling the weight of your party is a bad idea.


07-02-2013 16:35:26 UTC
