Friday, December 30, 2022

Proposal: Nethacking

Timed out and enacted, 4-3 with 3 unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 01 Jan 2023 11:03:17 UTC

After the rule Items create a subrule named “Don’t try on stuff you haven’t BUC tested”

A Item may have a BUC status. Possible BUC status is enumerated as

• Blessed
• Uncursed
• Untested
• Cursed

and is defaulted at Untested.

In “Items”; after “If an Item is picked up in a Room, it is considered held by the Explorer. It must be removed from the Items publicly tracked for the Room in Banewood Mansion.” add

The Explorer who picked up the item must perform a DICE7 if the item is of Untested status; if the value rolled is less than or equal to 2 the Item is Cursed and is denoted as Cursed X where X is the item’s name and if the value rolled is more than or equal to 5 the item is Blessed and is denoted as Blessed X where X is the item’s name.

Change Monkey Paw to read

If this item would have any BUC status other than Cursed; it is considered to be Cursed and listed as a Cursed Monkey Paw.

The explorer who holds this may use the Use Monkey’s Paw Malfeasance.

Add a Item named Holy Water; with the text;

If this item would have any BUC status other than Uncursed; it is considered to be Uncursed.
An Explorer who held this Item may remove this item from their inventory and change a Cursed Item they hold into a Uncursed Item, or a Uncursed Item they hold into a Blessed Item.

Add a Item named Unholy Water; with the text

If this item would have any BUC status other than Uncursed; it is considered to be Uncursed.
An Explorer who held this Item may remove this item from their inventory and change a Blessed Item they hold into a Uncursed Item, or a Uncursed Item they hold into a Cursed Item.

Add a Item named Identification Scroll; with the text

An Explorer who held this Item may remove this item from their inventory if this Item is not Cursed and perform the following Atomic Action:

• Choose an Untested Item in the Room they are Located in.
• Roll a DICE7; if the value rolled is less than or equal to 2 the Item is Cursed and change the name of the Item as Cursed X where X is the item’s name and if the value rolled is more than or equal to 5 the item is Blessed and change the name of the Item as Blessed X where X is the item’s name

Add a line under Fireplace Poker:

If the Fireplace Poker is Cursed; they will have the Disadvantage Weak in addition to any Disadvantage they have, and lose the Advantage Strong.

Add a line under Rabbit’s Foot:

If the Rabbit’s Foot is Cursed; they will have the Disadvantage Unlucky in addition to any Disadvantage they have, and lose the Advantage Lucky.

Add a line under Musty Tome:

If the Musty Tome is Cursed; they will have the Disadvantage Rash in addition to any Disadvantage they have, and lose the Advantage Wise.

Add a line under Hipflask:

If the Hipflask is Cursed; they will have the Disadvantage Slow in addition to any Disadvantage they have, and lose the Advantage Fast.

Change Fragments to the following text:

If this item would have any BUC status other than Cursed; it is considered to be Cursed and listed as a Cursed Fragment.
Whenever Katastophe unpossess the Explorer that is holding this Item; this item is immediately dropped as if it is not Cursed.

ooh! cursed everything!


SingularByte: he/him

30-12-2022 05:04:28 UTC

You might want to update the monkey paw description since the abilities on it were moved into a malfeasance.

Chiiika: she/her

30-12-2022 05:08:44 UTC

@SB modified

JonathanDark: he/him

30-12-2022 05:11:49 UTC

The phrase “If the explorer holding this would be possessed or unpossessed” is a little unclear. Is this an Explorer who is transitioning from one possessed/unpossessed state to another?

Chiiika: she/her

30-12-2022 06:47:34 UTC

@Jona yep


30-12-2022 07:02:02 UTC

I don’t think Fragments should drop upon becoming possessed, because it’s an unambiguous public indicator that one is now possessed.

It’s unambiguous while losing possession as currently written, but the possessed one can maintain a shred of deniability by voluntarily dropping the fragment.

SingularByte: he/him

30-12-2022 07:15:18 UTC

@Bucky I might be missing something here. How would one go about voluntarily dropping cursed fragments?

SingularByte: he/him

30-12-2022 13:04:59 UTC


Josh: he/they

30-12-2022 13:09:44 UTC


quirck: he/him

30-12-2022 16:06:02 UTC


Kevan: he/him

30-12-2022 16:48:39 UTC

against Items are fairly rare, so there’s going to be a lot riding on a few arbitrary dice rolls.


30-12-2022 18:29:46 UTC

@SingularByte: Oops, never mind then.


Janet: she/her

30-12-2022 19:43:04 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

30-12-2022 20:09:50 UTC

@Kevan I do think item drops should be boosted - but I can squish them into one proposal

Darknight: he/him

30-12-2022 22:32:58 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

31-12-2022 02:05:23 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

31-12-2022 02:46:59 UTC

oof my brain


31-12-2022 03:35:34 UTC

I see no point in Blessed status; items should be cursed, or not.

Kevan: he/him

31-12-2022 13:23:36 UTC

We could define Blessed later - and probably should, to remove the advantage this proposal gives to players who already picked up objects (which are safe from becoming cursed).

Chiiika: she/her

31-12-2022 14:20:09 UTC

@kevan I’ll be addoning something like
“all Untested Objects in Gamestate will be tested; and if it is cursed it will be dropped when enacting”
when I get my slot back