Monday, July 06, 2020

Proposal: Network Switch

Timed out / quorumed 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Jul 2020 10:01:04 UTC

Enact a new rule, “The Switch”:-

The Dynasty of the Second Switch is a game being played at It is regarded by BlogNomic as being on equal standing with this dynasty.

The Gambler known as Seventy-Fifth Trombone may (once per dynasty) make a blog post declaring a single Gambler to be a Pretender, if they believe that that Gambler has achieved victory within the Dynasty of the Second Switch.

If a Pretender has been announced in this way, a Gambler may only make an Ascension Address if the Pretender has posted a blog entry permitting them to.

The first of two straw poll proposals to determine which dynasty or dynasties people should be trying to play and win, because both have been flagging.

This is an attempt to recognise a winner of the other game, over here: both victors must agree among themselves how the next true dynasty should be run. Deferring to the judgment of the other game’s Emperor (I seem to remember Seventy-Fifth Trombone being the Emperor over there, and it doesn’t appear to describe itself as a Metadynasty?) to determine the winner, as I can’t think of a reliable way to access another game’s gamestate directly.


Josh: he/they

06-07-2020 10:45:55 UTC


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: he/they

06-07-2020 11:40:32 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

06-07-2020 15:45:02 UTC


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

06-07-2020 23:26:38 UTC


Lulu: she/her

07-07-2020 14:24:44 UTC



08-07-2020 03:06:51 UTC

for Sounds like a fair compromise.