Proposal: Never Live Like Common People [Special Case]
Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Jul 2023 18:43:38 UTC
Reword “Dynastic Distance” from:-
For the purposes of dynastic rules which do not deal with voting, the Great Machine is not a Machinist.
For the purposes of dynastic and Special Case rules, the Great Machine is not a Machinist.
Remove “If “Dynastic Distance” is also active, the Great Machine is not considered a Machinist for the purposes of this rule.” from “No Private Communication”.
In “Mantle Limitations”, replace “Machinists should also not make deals” with:-
Deals should not be made
In “Event Types”, replace “A Machinist must do these” with “A Machinist (or the Great Machine) must do these”; replace “any Machinist may post or may End an Event” with “any Machinist (or the Great Machine) may post or may End an Event”; replace “nor may any Machinist End it again” with “nor may it be Ended again”.
Given the redundant unexpectedness of the Emperor having tracked Alliances this dynasty, maybe Dynastic Distance should also apply to Special Case. I can only see a few sentences - corrected above - where we do actually mean “Player or Emperor” when we say “Player” in a Special Case rule.
This also removes “dynastic rules which do not deal with voting” from the definition of dynastic distance, as this seems like a strange and unnecessary exception. I’m not sure what the intended use case is - if we have a secondary voting system in a dynasty, the Emperor always gets a vote? (And if we have some lengthy player gamestate/action setup that happens to mention any form of voting in any way, the Emperor magically appears and gets all that too?)
Josh: he/they
Strongly in favour of this