Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Proposal: New core rule

Fails 2-14

Adminned at 17 May 2011 22:44:23 UTC

Create a new core rule titled “Extensions” with the following text:

Any farmer may create an extension post by posting an entry in the “extension” catagory. The entry must contain exactly one hyperlink, which points to the url of a different blognomic entry, hereinafter referred to as the linked post. The farmer should also comment on the linked post, stating that an extension post has been created and linking back to the extension post.

Any comments to an extension post are considered to be comments of its linked post. The comments are considered to have been created in the linked post at exactly the same time as they were created in the extension post.

I’ve noticed that some blog posts get too close to their maximum comment limit so here’s a potential solution.



17-05-2011 15:08:18 UTC

I’m not sure if we can add another category into the Expression Engine.  I tried, but even as an Admin, I can’t access the Edit Categories function.

Technicalities aside, I don’t think this is necessary because the comments (even if not displayed) are still there and are viewable by Admins.  I think we handled it quite well this time by having a separate post for the discussion when we saw we were running out of room, and I don’t think we need an extra mechanic for something that happens once in a blue moon.

So,  against  for now.


17-05-2011 15:18:41 UTC

against Like Yoda, I don’t think we need to add a whole core rule for something that doesn’t occur more often than once per 10 dynasties.


17-05-2011 15:25:46 UTC



17-05-2011 15:32:49 UTC


redtara: they/them

17-05-2011 15:33:48 UTC


Josh: he/they

17-05-2011 15:33:51 UTC

Super-admins can add new categories.

I’ll go for , although I suspect that it can be cut down and rolled into the rule on voting.

Josh: he/they

17-05-2011 15:38:49 UTC

(I can add categories, apparently - I didn’t think I was a super-admin, so it may be possible for normal admins to add them too.)


17-05-2011 16:12:03 UTC



17-05-2011 16:57:25 UTC

against  against  against .  Among other objections, chained Extensions have the potential to make adminning an unnecessary headache.  Since commenting on the original post is optional, someone adminning a proposal needs to check all later posts for extensions. 

Additionally, this allows a potential core ruleset scam where a post becomes open for voting before it is posted.


17-05-2011 17:05:04 UTC



17-05-2011 17:25:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

17-05-2011 17:58:04 UTC

against Per Yoda.


17-05-2011 18:05:47 UTC


Darknight: he/him

17-05-2011 18:11:27 UTC


redtara: they/them

17-05-2011 19:40:21 UTC

against per Purplebeard


17-05-2011 20:10:27 UTC

against Naaah, why is there a restriction anyways?

Kevan: he/him

17-05-2011 20:13:08 UTC

It seems to be built in to ExpressionEngine, I can’t see a setting to turn it off.

Roujo: he/him

17-05-2011 20:16:32 UTC

against @Keba: I think it’s probably a built-in restriction.


17-05-2011 20:23:55 UTC
