Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Guest

So yeah I’d like to join, quick question first, is the whole roleplaying thing essential or simply recommended?




30-01-2010 15:40:03 UTC

Recommended. Adding…


30-01-2010 15:48:18 UTC

Done. Welcome! Out of curiosity, what country are you from?


30-01-2010 16:07:13 UTC

Thanks, also, I’m from Israel.


30-01-2010 16:24:17 UTC

/me adds Israel to the list of countries which I know people from due to the Internet.


30-01-2010 17:00:21 UTC

Hey how come my profile says I’m idling?


30-01-2010 17:08:16 UTC

I just checked mine, and it said I was idling too, but I am not. Don’t bother about it.
If your name is in the GNDT, you’re not idle.

By the way, welcome!


30-01-2010 17:20:12 UTC

You’re in the member group “Idle”, but that just means “not an admin, and not a spambot”.


30-01-2010 17:21:38 UTC

Ack! Forgot to update Quorum when adding you and NonnoNaz. There are now 29 Guests, and a quorum of 15.

ais523: Custodian

30-01-2010 18:49:22 UTC

Oh, and in reply to the OP; the roleplaying is optional.


30-01-2010 19:13:41 UTC

Since Detective and Murderer are trying to be covert- they have to be using a fake identity in all their correspondence, of course.


30-01-2010 19:35:30 UTC

Except that one guy who apparently told everyone he was a murderer?


30-01-2010 20:01:31 UTC

Oh by the way, can I use my role’s special actions (asking Kevan how closely related to the lord is someone etc.) when the lights are out?


30-01-2010 20:15:24 UTC

Ah nevermind, I can’t.